Petland's Akron, Ohio
pet store employee
having backroom fun,
poses gleefully smiling
with dead Easter
Bunnies for camera.
Elizabeth Carlisle, who can be seen grinning as she
holds two dead, soaking-wet rabbits by the scruff
of the neck—rabbits she just drowned.
"The Petland manager took the pic for me. She reminded me that there were people outside as I was swearing at them to just hurry up and die," said Miss Carlisle.
The rabbits also suffered from deep wounds, an eye missing, a broken jaw," and paralysis from the waist down.
Published: Wednesday, August 05, 2009, 12:46 PM
AKRON — The Akron Petland store was shut down Wednesday by the chain's corporate office after an embarrassing photograph was posted on Facebook that showed employee Liz Carlisle, 20, of Ravenna, holding dead rabbits.
Carlisle's father, Joe Carlisle, described his daughter as a well-behaved, respectful young woman who has done well in school and is working to pay her way through college.
"She is a good, good person who is innocent totally as a human being of any and all wrongdoing," he said.
Innocent of humanity?

Innocent of humanity?
They say everything tastes like chicken
World’s First 100% Human Meat now available online
Newkirk Nuggets™ (patent pending), a cutting edge (and surprisingly delicious) animal-meat alternative created by cloning cells from an upper arm biopsy of PETA President Ingrid Newkirk who is “100% free range, grain fed, white meat.”
Fijian "cannibal forks" used for eating human flesh.
The official Vegan society answer to the
age old question "Is it OK to swallow" is
"If you want to"...
age old question "Is it OK to swallow" is
"If you want to"...
Above is the obscene alleged handiwork of Dr. Edward Taub, a psychologist, charged with 113 counts of animal cruelty and 6 counts of failing to provide adequate veterinary care. All charges against him dismissed.
Dr. Edward Taub
Behavioral Neuroscientist
Pioneer in Alleged Monkey Torture
Office Phone: (205) 934 2471
Fax: (205) 975 6140
Kool Aid, endorsed by Reverend James Warren "Jim" Jones, founder and leader of the Peoples Temple

For lawful (halal) meat in Islam, the animal must be killed while the butcher faces Mecca, and either the butcher cries "Allah Akbar" or a tape plays the words over a loud speaker.
"As people do better, they start voting like Republicans, unless they have too much education. Then they vote Democratic, which proves that there can be too much of a good thing. After all, it is easier to govern sheep because they don't have to think." --As quoted by George W. Bush, at the National Oil and Power Company Convention, Dallas, TX., 1999. |
“Working girls” from the New Senator Hotel
posed for a photographer in 1940.
Armor of God Pajamas
The Tasaday have been living in their caves in the rain forest for over one thousand years. Their isolation ended when a hunter from a neighboring tribe stumbled upon them while laying his traps.
National Geographic cover
featuring the Tasaday
Manuel Elizalde (right) embraces
one of the Tasaday (July, 1971
Coincidentally, walrus-skin blanket tossing is going to be one of
the daily activities on the cruise.